
Harrodsburg.Kids is how HBC reaches the next generation. Our trained and background-checked volunteers are there to make sure your kids experience a safe, age-appropriate environment where the Bible is taught in fun and engaging ways.


two elementary aged boys play at church in harrodsburg kentucky

For Kids

At the heart of our mission is the desire to reach the next generation. We believe that this starts with HBC kids. HBC Kids meets on Sundays during our groups hour and again on Wednesday Nights. We offer experiences for kids birth through fifth grade. Our volunteers would be more than happy to direct you to our HBC Kids areas to get your kids set up for church. We’ll ask you a few questions and get you all entered into our system or you can fill out the form below and we’ll be ready to check you in when you arrive. Once you’re set, we’ll print out a name tag for each of your kids (and one for you, too!), and we’ll help to make sure your kids get to the right class..

Crossings Kids camp 2024

This summer we’re headed to Crossings Cedarmore from July 26 - July 29 and we want you to be there!